Bird Using Star and Heart

Hello Friends,

Today I am going to talk about how weƂĀ (my toddler who is a little over two years old and me) made aƂĀ colorfulƂĀ birdƂĀ using star and hearts (colored paper cut out in Heart and star shape).

This is a cut and paste craft, easy enough for toddlers. You can also involve older kids in this craft as they can cut and paste shapes on their own. If you believe its too early to introduce crafts to your kid, do read why I feel doing activities with our kids at an early stage is important for their growth development.

My little one is in love with stars so most of our crafts revolve around stars.ƂĀ  I need to find a way to incorporate stars in our craft for him but if you want you can use this activity to just to makeƂĀ a bird šŸ™‚

Star Bird

So back to the main topic, how to make a DIY bird.

Materials Required to make a DIY Bird using Star and Hearts (cut and pasteƂĀ Craft)

  • Coloured papers (Pink, Purple, Blue)
  • Glue stick/Fevicol
  • Black and white paper for eye, you can also use a Googly Eye
  • A pair of scissors

Process to make a DIY Bird using Star and Hearts (cut and pasteƂĀ Craft)

bird using Heart and star

1) From theƂĀ pink paper, cut a big heart shape, this will serve as the body of the bird.

2) From the purple paper cut threeƂĀ pair of heart shapes -ƂĀ two small pairsƂĀ for ears and legs and one medium sized one for hands.

3) Cut a small heart for bird’s nose.

Note Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œĆ‚Ā For toddlers and kids who have not yet learnt how to use scissors,ƂĀ Ć‚Ā you will need to do the cut out and you can take their help in pasting. For older kids they can cutƂĀ shapes on their own.

4) Sit with your toddler and take his help in applying glue stick andƂĀ stick these coloured hearts on theƂĀ bird’s body. In the beginning you can help him out but soon he will turn into a professional and would like to do everything himself šŸ™‚ ..

While, you are sticking you can talk to him and ask him questions like – whereƂĀ are bird’s hands ?ƂĀ Ć‚Ā Shall we stick bird’s ears ? You can sing a rhyme or just talk about various shapes and colours you are using. For popular rhymes you may want to look at Ten Favourite Rhymes for kids.

5) From black and white paper cut two hearts and circle to make bird’s eyes. If you want you can use google eyes as well.

6) Cut a big star from Blue coloured paper and stick the bird on it.

Your DIY bird using star and hearts is ready šŸ™‚ ..

You can stick a popsicle stick to it and use it as a puppet or hang it on Christmas tree as hand made Christmas ornament. Or just use it for free play.

Why this DIY cut and paste craft is good for your child’s development apart from keeping him engaged

These DIY cut and paste craftsƂĀ  activitiesƂĀ are good for improving fine motor skills, eye hand co-ordination and concentration. If you are looking for more ideas on how to keep your two year old engaged do check out Games, activities and Toys for two years old.

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