Palm Shape Flower | Mother’s Day Craft

Free step by step mother’s day crafts tutorial on how to make a Palm Shape Flower. This craft is super easy and super quick and I am sure your kid will love to try it . Just pick up the required material and try thisƂĀ simple Palm Shape Flower.

Materials required to make a Palm Shape Flower

  • Chart Paper or Foam Sheets (Colours of your choice)
  • Popsicle Stick
  • Old Crayons
  • Candle
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Step by Step tutorial on how to make a palm shape flower with MOM written on it

Here is a step by step instructions on how you can make a palm shape flower with MOM written on it.

Step 1 – Take a Palm shape of your kid and cut it .

Step 2 – Take a green popsicle stick, else you can paint a popsicle stick with green colour. My kid loves to paint so I don’t buy the coloured popsicle sticks. We colour it on our own as per the requirement.

Step 3 – From a green chart paper cut a leaf shape.

Step 4- Paste the leaf and the palm shape cut out on the popsicle stick.

Step 5 – With pencil write MOM on palm shape cut out.

Step 6 – Now I wrote MOM with melted wax crayon. For this you need to lit a candle and take some old crayons. Keep the colour on flame for a sec only and apply a stamp on paper where MOM is written.

Step 7 – Keep doing it and write the MOM with melted wax crayon.

Your Palm Shape Cut out Flower is ready.

Don’t you find this craft adorable and beautiful. Give it a try and let me know how it turned out right here. Would love to hear from you.

Happy Crafting !!

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Shweta Garg
Shweta Garg

Hello, I am Shweta, mother of a 5 year old. I am a teacher and in education field since last 4 years. I truly believe, we should keep learning.. as learning is a treasure. In my beautiful journey of motherhood, with each passing day I get chances to learn many things with my kid and I truly love to share those learning with you all, through my blogs. In my spare time I Love to travel, read books and gardening. I am a great fan of Dan Brown and Sidney Sheldon novels.

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