Sensory Bin play is one of the most loved activity by my son. I have introduced my child to sensory play from when he was 1 year old and we love to spend time on these activities.
Importance of Sensory Play
:Sensory play is an activity that stimulates the young child’s senses like touch, taste, smell, see and hearing. They can be able to touch and feel and observe the real things. They give chance to explore a lot, know about scientific processes. They get the chance to investigate and play.
Why sensory Bins?
Simple. Lots of real play, When they use a sensory bin they work on various materials, feel the texture which is more than any toy provides. There are no rules to play with it. Its a complete unstructured, free play while they also connect to the concept of what we want to make them learn. We dont have to get fancy materials to make it. Just work out on what we want to make them learn and mix and match the toys, books and resources you already have.
Some advantages of having a sensory play are:
- lots of fine motor exercise
- Kids can focus and concentrate more
- Its a pure language building activity
- Child led
- Stimulates all the five senses
- Children get to know about the natural habitats and living style of various living things.
I created a simple fun sensory bin for my son today as we had the following conversation while we were walking to his school.
Mumma: did you like the shelf activities?
Son: yes mumma.
Mumma: shall we do them again once you are back?
Son: yes
Son: mummy can i have a bin please?
Mumma: what bin?
Son: my play bin. The blue big bin.
Mumma: i cant understand nidhish.
Son: I put animals, cars and wash them. That bin.
Mumma: oh yes. Got it. Will do it.
Son: love you mummy.
So this was happening in the morning. And I was thinking that yes i will make a sensory bin for him. I was not sure on what to do? Then it suddenly clicked in mind that we are doing a farm basket anyways in our shelf, so extending it I made this.
Here is our simple Chicken sensory bin created for my son today. To make it a complete science project I added Life cycle of chicken and fact cards too. I got the resource for these lovely printables from Chicken life cycle printables designed by Kimberly. Thanks to her for making them free.
Materials needed for Chicken Sensory bin:
I am adding some links to here find the products used in the preparation of bin.But I recommend you to search in local shops or any other place to get them at more affordable rates. And you can use all these materials again for different sensory bins and science projects too.
- Any plastic tub ( probably a big one should be nice)
- Shredded green paper. Find Shredded paper here
- small foam eggs Foam Eggs
- Plastic eggs Plastic eggs
- Small Chicks baby chicks
- Any chick/Adult chicken figurines
- You can also buy safari toobs Life cycle of chicken set
- Printables
Such a cute little one isn’t it? I am in love with it……. Why dont you have a try and give your child enormous ways to explore it. Happy learning!
This blog was first published in authors blog.
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