As a mother of 2 fast growing and rebellious kids, I have had my share of goof-ups!
I have written enough and more on these. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t end up messing up on more occasions than I would like to admit publicly. So today I have compiled a lot of things which in my opinion are a “What NOT to do with a toddlerâ€
Let’s get started with books. As a first time mother I read a lot to my toddler. However, I read the same set of 3-4 books again and again. For months. You would think that the little child doesn’t understand much so what’s the point. Let me read the same book again and again so that he gets into the habit of sitting for 15-20 mins, recognizing familiar pictures etc. However, let me clarify, how much ever you feel the child is not making much sense of what you are reading to him, the fact is that he is fast grasping all the new vocabulary, concepts, stories and your facial expressions. You will only realize after almost a year of reading, around the age of 3 when his vocabulary just shoots through the roof. So please don’t make that mistake and just assume he is understanding every bit of what you are reading.
Expose him to a variety of books right from his young toddler days. Reading to kids is not only good for the child but also a very enriching experience for the parent.
Hindi curse words like gadha, ullu, bewakoof. Your child may blurt it out at most unwanted places and it can get very very embarrassing. It straight implies you use these words in your house or your maid does. And remember you won’t be able to blame this on the maid always!
So be mindful of your language, at least in front of your kids.
Because it’s most likely that he will be sticking to you in a new environment and tend to slide his hands up and down your lower thighs or try to hang from your one leg as if you were a monkey bar. Or worse even fiddle with it and unknowingly lift it. I have had so many of such instances. And not to mention pulling and making it a plunging neckline during fussy eating bouts.
Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.
A WHY does not always mean that your child has a genuine interest in the subject. He may just be trying to wear you out. So keep your answers suited to their levels.
If you get into too much detailing at every WHY, you may soon reach a stage in your conversation when your next statement would be “That’s enoughâ€. And that could only settle with a bait like half an hour of TV time or let me buy you a candy now.
If they paint, they will stain their dress. If they are having an ice-cream, it will drip. They will not eat broccoli despite how healthy you think it is. Camouflage in a soup if you want to can. The playdough will get all mixed up. So just assume. It helps, trust me. Then put an apron or just prepare yourself to change the dress after the act.
This has happened so many times to me. Right in the middle of the bath, my son has made a complete u-turn and decided he doesn’t want to take it any further now. Call it mood swing or blame it on the cold water. Whatever it is, a toddler no is a NO. If you have tried talking him out and failed miserably then there is no point forcing him. If you try, you will be the one having ended on the bathroom floor with soap and water all over you. So just walk out and talk him into wiping it out with wet towel. It works.
Don’t EVER try to justify the time you spend on your WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and for that matter any other app. It’s not gonna work.
If mummy is on phone, she is on phone. Period. Either hide your phone deep inside your closet, that’s if out of sight means out of mind for you. Or just stop justifying.
That’s instinctive, I know. It doesn’t work, we all know that. And you end up with vomit in our hands, feet, dress, floor, furniture, books, toys, everywhere. And it’s a much bigger mess + additional crying while you vanish into the bathroom to clean yourself.
Oh I hear some howling, got to rush and tackle that now. Don’t forget to share your interesting “tips†in the comment box
This blog was first published in mycity4kids
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