Caterpillar Craft for preschool using pompom, pipe cleaner and Popsicle sticks

Free step by step crafts tutorial on how to make a caterpillar craft for preschool using Pompom, pipe cleaner and Popsicle sticks. This cute caterpillar can be used as a prop while reading a story to kids (Perfect for reading the very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle).ƂĀ This is a wonderful caterpillar themed craft for kids, toddlers and preschoolers. AndƂĀ if you are looking for some story themed craft ideas then this can be the one for you.

Which kid doesn’t want to own a very hungry caterpillar ? Here we make our DIY caterpillar. Its really very simple and quick craft to make.

Materials required to make DIY Caterpillar craft for preschool

  • Small coloured pom pom balls
  • Popsicle Stick
  • Googly eyes
  • Black pipe cleaners
  • Glue

Step by Step tutorial on how to make a DIY Caterpillar craft for kids

Here is a step by step instructions (with pictures) tutorial on how you can make Caterpillar with pom poms, pipe cleaner and popsicle sticks

Step 1 – Take a popsicle stick and first we need to make the head of a caterpillar, for this take a bigger pom pom and paste it on the popsicle stick.

Step 2 – Then to make the body of caterpillar paste different coloured pom pom balls on top of popsicle sticks.

Step 3 – Cut small pieces from black pipe cleaner and paste them to make legs of caterpillar

Step 4 – Stick googly eyes on the head.


Your cute Pom pom caterpillar craft is ready. Hope you all will surely do this with your young ones.

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