How to write Catchy headings

Unleash the power of words with our ultimate guide on crafting irresistibly catchy headings! Elevate your content game as we delve into proven techniques, creative insights, and the art of grabbing attention from the first glance. Master the secrets to writing headlines that not only stop the scroll but leave a lasting impact. Click now to transform your titles into irresistible invitations, making your content a must-read in a sea of digital noise. Let’s turn heads and captivate hearts – one headline at a time!

If you are wondering how to write catchy titles for your blog posts, powerful headlines that makes people open your email, or engage on your social media posts or click on your pins on Pinterest then you are in the right place.

We are going to cover some easy tips and actionable tricks that can help you in writing catchy headlines. Includes great headline examples, list of catchy titles generators and a lot more. Do not forget to Download FREE list of 300+ catchy titles headlines ideas

Click here to download 300+ catchy titles headlines ideas

Do you know what is the number 1 factor that makes people click and read your blog posts or articles via social media or Google search engines?

Yes. You guessed it right. It is your heading. The title you give to your posts.

Catchy headlines are not only important for social media posts but also your emails that you send to your subscribers. (If you have not yet set up your email marketing get started today)

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A good headline can help you get loads and loads of traffic from various social medias and Google SERP.

Easy tips on How to write Catchy Headline

So, what can we do to write Good headings or headlines?

Before we go ahead, Please note that the same concepts below can be used to write subject of your emails and social media captions or advertisement or any other kind of content writing assignments.

Use Power Words in your Titles

Power words are persuasive descriptive words that trigger a positive or negative emotional
They are used by marketers, copywriters and bloggers to get people to click or buy the

Basically, when anything is written by using power words it converts.

Well as I have said before I am not good at copy writing but I am always learning. So, let us say if you see a heading

  • Best books for kids. You may or may not click on it.
  • 10 MUST HAVE books in your toddler’s library that all parents love

Which one would you click on? I would love to know which are the MUST HAVE books I need to get for my toddler.

So, next time you are writing an article, you can check out these 100 Power words to write Amazing headlines

I found this list here and have included few in pictures below so that you can refer to them easily.

Power words list for catchy titles

Use Numbers in your post Titles

There is something about using numbers in your post titles that makes it work. If I take the same example as above – 10 MUST HAVE books in your toddler’s library that all parents love

The number 10 makes me feel that the task is achievable. It somehow makes it simpler and much more concrete in my head. And I know what to expect even before I am clicking.

That I am going to see a list of 10 books that I could consider getting for my child.

It is said odd numbers like 7 or 9 work better in terms of conversion. But that is something you would need to try out on your own. I have also covered list posts in another section where I talk about different type of posts that you can write to get traffic to your blog.

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“How to” headlines work great

Most of us on Google are searching for
“How to” do something. So, you can write How to posts and use that in headline.
Along with adding up some other tips that I have talked about.

For e.g. How to headline + solving the problem or mentioning pain points

– How to Encourage kids to show interest in reading when they won’t sit in one place.

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Use the right length

Our headlines should be of the right length. Too short and tool long both not good. Use headlines that are shorter than 70 characters.

You can use YOAST plugin as a guidance when writing titles and meta descriptions (this is only possible for self-hosted WordPress blogs)

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You can use Headline tools like Coschedule headline analyzer

It is a FREE tool that guides me how to write headlines and is very effective. It also gives you a general idea on WHAT TO DO when writing headlines.

Check out Coschedule Headline Analyser

FREE Catchy titles generator or Content Ideas Generators list

More Easy tips for writing Catchy Titles

  • Avoid Passive voice when writing headlines
  • Ensure that your content aligns with your headline and delivers more than you promise
  • Your headline should try to answer the question – What’s in it for the reader and should talk about the solution you are promising to your reader
  • Use the language that is used and understood by your reader. Know your audience and use words and language that your audience uses.
  • Your headline can have a sense of urgency – For e.g. phrases like “Are you making these mistakes”, “Before time runs out”
  • Don’t get too creative with your headlines. Your headline should be crisp and clear. It should clearly tell what the article is about.
  • You headline should pique curiosity – What mistakes am I making? What are the must have tools that are being talked about and son. Enticing and encouraging the readers to click.
  • People want to read something that’s easy, that’s practical and that can give immediate results so words like “Simple”, “Easy” “Time saving” “Last minute” work great.
  • You can also write multiple headlines for the same piece of content using ideas here.

And you can test various headlines on Co-schedule Headline analyzer and see which one gets a higher score. Also, the remaining headlines you can use when posting on Social media and see which one works better.

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Catchy Headlines examples

  • 5 Easy tricks to write Catchy headlines
  • Step by Step guide to write Catchy headlines
  • How to write catchy headlines that will attract more readers
  • How to write Catchy headlines that get more clicks
  • How to write Catchy headlines in 1 min and 7 seconds
  • How to create Winning headlines in 9 simple steps

Notice how in above catchy titles – some headlines allude to making life simpler by mentioning easy tricks, other seem to give an idea of how it would take you lesser time, some focus on benefits like – how to attract readers and help you get more clicks. Some mention number of steps so psychologically difficult tasks start looking simpler.

Take hard work out of writing catchy headlines, Download handy list of headlines that convert now

Click here to download 300+ Free headline ideas

Neha gupta
Neha gupta

Meet Neha, a dynamic working mom, avid traveler, and seasoned parenting blogger. With over a decade of experience, Neha shares practical tips and insights on parenting, lifestyle, making money, and travel. Her warm and approachable style inspires trust, offering accurate information and compassionate support. Whether you're a seasoned parent or exploring new aspects of life, Neha's blog is your go-to resource for a well-rounded guide to modern family living.

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