Today we are going to learn how to make egg carton flowers.
Have you ever recycled egg cartons and made beautiful flower craft out of them ? Few days back, when I was cleaning my store room I found some old egg trays. I don’t remember why I kept them but after finding them all I could think of was – “What to make out of a egg trays?”
I decided to give those egg trays a new and different look. I looked at them for some time and an idea of making beautiful flowers came in my mind.
So I gave it a try and result was quite satisfactory, thus sharing with you all. So from now, get ready to recycle egg cartons lying in your home.
Now let’s get back to the easy DIY egg carton flowers tutorial. So here are step by step instructions (with pictures) on how you can make flowers with egg crates or tray.
Materials needed to make Egg Carton Flowers
- Egg Tray also called egg crate or egg carton
- Pastel or fevicryl acrylic colors (at least 5 or 6)
- Scissors
- Colour Brush
Step 1 – Take the egg carton.
Take one egg carton and take the cone shapes out .
Step 2 – Be ready to make the flowers.
Take all the cones to make individual flowers.
Note – As I need to make 5 or 6 flowers only, thus I used small size egg tray. If you want to make more flowers you can take big egg tray or simply use 2 or 3 egg trays to make the flowers.
Step 3 – Gently Stretch the cones from middle.
Smoothly stretch each cone and cut it to form a flower with 4 petals (shown below). Repeat with all cones created above
Step 4 – Colour the flowers.
Grab your paint brush and colours and gently colour flowers from inside and outside.
Step 5 – Make the center of the flowers and your pretty flowers are ready.
Paint the center of the flowers with white color. If you want you can paste one bead to make the center of the flowers.
Your beautiful egg carton flowers are ready.
Don’t forget to pin
Shop related materials for making egg carton flowers.
Many people ask me where do I buy material for doing crafts, I usually get them from local market or Amazon.
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You may also want to try making a very easy and beautiful flower ball from punched flowers.
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Don’t you find this DIY egg carton craft easy and interesting ? Try it, and let me know. Do share what you have made using comments below. Would love to hear from you.