Looking for ways to teach Alphabet to kids? You would love these Alphabet pictures charts that covers simple words that start with letter a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. Download, print and teach alphabet reading to kids using these colorful alphabet picture charts.
These printable downloadable pdf are also perfect if you are looking for pictures of things that start with alphabet sounds in line with phonics rules
These are great for teaching first words to kids, and help your child identify different letter of alphabet.
DO NOT MISS to check out Ultimate Alphabet Bundle for kids. These are terrific and really help kids in learning the alphabet
When teaching phonics, we usually get confused what is short a or long a sound (I have included this for all vowels). Hope you find it useful
If you want to get started with Phonics you can also read – How to teach Phonics to kids
>>>>>>>>Embarking on the exciting journey of teaching the alphabet to our little ones is a joyous adventure, and I’ve discovered some fantastic products. Dive into this curated collection and hope you find it useful. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- This toy makes learning fun for your little one. Perfect for early phonics and letter recognition
- This chart makes learning interactive and kids love it.
Correct sounds of all Alphabet (Introducing Phonics)
Check out this quick video to understand correct sounds of all letters.
Simple words that start with the letter a
apple, ant, alligator, airplane, arrow, ape, age, anchor, axe, astronaut, acorn
Things that start with letter a sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
Before I share some simple words that start with letter a.
Let us note that letter a can have different sounds – a as in apple and notice the sound of a when you say words like ape and age.
Short ‘a’ sound or words
The short ‘A’ sound is what you hear in words like apple, what you hear in middle sound cat, hat, mat.
Long ‘a’ sound or words
The long ‘a’ are sounds pronounced the same as the name of letter. So what you hear in words like ape and age.
So here are a list words that start with short a sound/simple words that start with letter A
apple, axe, astronaut, alligator, ant, anchor
a sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter A/ short ‘a’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter b sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter b/simple words that start with letter B
ball, bird, balloon, banana, butterfly, bag
b sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter B/ letter ‘b’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter c sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter c/simple words that start with letter C
car, cake, cup, caterpillar, carrot, cat
c sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter C/ letter ‘c’ sound words with picture

Things that start with letter d sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter d/simple words that start with letter D
dog, duck, doll, donkey, dress, drum
d sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter D/ letter ‘d’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter e sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
Before I share some simple words that start with letter e.
Let us note, that letter e can also have different sounds – e as in egg and notice the sound of e when you say words like eel or eagle.
Short ‘e’ sound or words
The short ‘e’ sound is what you hear in words like egg, elephants what you hear in middle sound leg, peg. ted.
Long ‘e’ sound or words
The long ‘e’ are sounds pronounced the same as the name of letter. So what you hear in words like eagle, eel and easter
So here are a list words that start with letter E/simple words that start with letter E
egg, elephant, envelope, eight, elk, elves
e sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter E/ letter ‘e’ short sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter f sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter f/simple words that start with letter F
frog, fan, fish, flag, fork, flower
f sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter F/ letter ‘f’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter g sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter g/simple words that start with letter G
girl, gift, goose, grape, goat, guitar
g sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter G/ letter ‘g’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter h sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter h/simple words that start with letter H
hat, head, hen, house, hand, helicopter
h sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter H/ letter ‘h’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter i sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
Before I share some simple words that start with letter i.
Let us note, that letter i can also have different sounds – i as in ink and notice the sound of i when you say words like ice.
Short ‘i’ sound or words
The short ‘i’ sound is what you hear in words like ink, insect and in middle of words like pig, wig, tip.
Long ‘i’ sound or words
The long ‘i’ are sounds pronounced the same as the name of letter. So what you hear in words like ice, ice-cream, island, ivy.
So here are a list words that start with letter I/simple words that start with letter i
ink, igloo, iguana, insect
i sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter I/ letter ‘i’ short sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter j sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter j/simple words that start with letter J
jug, jar, jet, jungle, juice, jeans
j sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter J/ letter ‘j’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter k sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter k/simple words that start with letter K
kite, key, kiwi, kettle, kangaroo, king
k sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter K/ letter ‘k’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter l sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter l/simple words that start with letter L
Lion, leg, leaf, lemon, lotus, ladybird
Pictures of things that start with the letter L/ letter ‘l’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter m sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter m/simple words that start with letter M
map, mug, man, mango, monkey, moon
m sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter M/ letter ‘m’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter n sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter n/simple words that start with letter N
net, nut, nap, nose, nest, numbers
N sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter N/ letter ‘n’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter o sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
Before I share some simple words that start with letter o.
Let us note, that letter o can also have different sounds – o as in orange and notice the sound of o when you say words like oatmeal and ocean.
Short ‘o’ sound or words
The short ‘o’ sound is what you hear in words like orange and octopus and in middle of words like top, pot, dot.
Long ‘o’ sound or words
The long ‘o’ are sounds pronounced the same as the name of letter. So what you hear in words like ocean and oatmeal.
So here are a list words that start with letter O/simple words that start with letter o
Ox, Orange, Octopus, olive, Ostrich, On, Off, odd
O sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter O/ letter ‘o’ short sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter p sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter p/simple words that start with letter P
pan, pen , pig, parrrot, pineapple, potato
p sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter P/ letter ‘p’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter q sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter q/simple words that start with letter Q
Quill, question, quarter, queen, quail
q sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter Q/ letter ‘q’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter r sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter r/simple words that start with letter R
rat, red, rose, rainbow, robot, rabbit
r sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter R/ letter ‘r’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter s sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter s/simple words that start with letter S
sun, six, star, spoon, socks, spider
s sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter S/ letter ‘s’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter t sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter t/simple words that start with letter T
two, tap, tree, teeth, toe, tiger
t sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter T/ letter ‘t’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter u sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
Before I share some simple words that start with letter u.
Let us note, that letter u can also have different sounds – u as in umbrella and notice the sound of u when you say words like unicorn, uniform, unicycle
Short ‘u’ sound or words
The short ‘o’ sound is what you hear in words like umbrella and in middle of words like pug, tug, cut
Long ‘u’ sound or words
The long ‘u’ are sounds pronounced the same as the name of letter. So what you hear in words like unicorn, uniform etc
So here are a list words that start with letter u/simple words that start with letter U
uncle, unhappy, umpire, under, umbrella, up
u sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter U/ letter ‘u’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter v sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter v/simple words that start with letter V
van, vase, vegetables, violin, vine
v sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter V/ letter ‘v’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter w sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter w/simple words that start with letter W
watch, wave, wand, wheel, watermelon, whale
w sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter W/ letter ‘w’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter x sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter x/simple words that start with letter X
xmas tree, xray, xylophone
x sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter X/ letter ‘x’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter y sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter y/simple words that start with letter Y
yak, yes, yolk, yellow, yoga, yarn
y sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter Y/ letter ‘y’ sound words with pictures

Things that start with letter z sound for preschool and Kindergarten kids (with pictures)
So here are a list words that start with letter z/simple words that start with letter Z
zip, zoo, zero, zebra, zigzag
z sound words with pictures
Pictures of things that start with the letter Z/ letter ‘z’ sound words with pictures

You may also be Interested in How to teach Alphabet to kid. Once you have learned sounds teach your child about CVC words

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