Super Easy Foam Flowers | Must try with kids

Step by Step tutorial on how to make super easy foam flowers. This is a very Easy foam flower craft that you can try with kids, or use when making greeting cards or decorating wall hanging or photo frames.

We will let you decide how you want to use it but here is our DIY handmade super easy foam flower tutorial

In this article

Materials required to make DIY Super easy foam flowers

  • Foam Sheets (preferably of 3 colours)
  • Beads
  • Glue Stick
  • Pair of scissors

Process to make handmade super easy foam flowers

Step 1 – Take three foam sheets of different colours and cut stripes of three sizes out of them (shown below).

Note – You can take colours of sheets of your choice. The smallest stripe will be the inner most layer of a petal and then the bigger will be second and the biggest stripe will form the outer most layer of a petal. Thus the ratio between the length of stripes should be correct to give a perfect shape to a petal.

Step 2 – When you have cut the stripes for one petal then repeat these step and cut multiple stripes to make a petals of a flower.

Note – As I decided to make a flower of six petals, I cut 6 yellow, 6 green and 6 orange pieces. If you want to make a bigger flower then you need to cut more pieces.

Step 3 – Take one smallest yellow piece and then paste the two ends of it. Then take green piece and paste it over the yellow stripe (as shown in pic) and then paste the last orange piece and paste the ends properly to form a petal.

Note – Follow the same procedure and make all six petals and keep them aside and let them dry.

Step 4 – Take all the six petals and paste them together to form a flower.

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✅ More foam flower crafts ideas @ How to make Pink Glittery Foam Sheet Flowers 
✅ if you are interested in other paper flower crafts Easy crepe paper flowers


Step 5 – Now as the basic structure of flower is ready you need to make the center of the flower.

For this you can cut a small circle from the yellow foam sheet (that can fit into the center space) and then paste it to make the center of flower. Then simply paste a small bead on it to give it a nicer look.

Note – Instead of circle cut out you can paste a bead (should be bigger) to make the center of flower.

Your super easy foam sheet flower is ready. You can make multiple foam flowers by repeating the same steps.

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easy Foam flower

More Foam flowers tutorials

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Where to buy foam sheets and other supplies to make foam sheet flowers

Many people ask me where do I buy material for doing crafts, I usually get them from local market or Amazon. These flowers I have made using the below foam sheet from amazon

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Lavanya Neelam
Lavanya Neelam

Lavanya stays in Hyderabad. Apart from her keen interest in crafts, embroidery and knitting she has also written 500 telugu poems. She was selected as the best balwadi teacher in slum improvement project overseas developing authority in Vijaywada. Now she helps other craft lovers by sharing her experiences on crafting. Her Blog -

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