Hello friends, today we are going to learn how to make DIY Candle Stand from Marbles and an Old CD.
Are you looking for ideas to decorate your home as you are about to throw a party and want to give a new and surprisingly beautiful look to your home? Try this beautiful and eye catching handmade candle stand from marbles and an old CD. This is so easy that it does not need much of your time.
You can keep this amazingly beautiful handmade candle stand at your entrance or in dining area and be ready to see the WOW moment on your guests’ faces when they will be mesmerized by this beautiful candle stand.
Here are step by step instructions (with pictures) on how you can make DIY Candle Holder from marbles and old CD
Materials needed to make Candle Stand from Marbles at home
- One Old CD
- Marbles
- Hot Glue Gun
Step 1 – Take a CD and start pasting the marbles with hot glue gun.
Step 2 –  Complete one row and keep it aside for a while.
Step 3 – Start pasting another row of marbles. You can make upto 4-5 rows of marbles in a form of a circle. Keep it aside for a while.
Step 4 –  After that start pasting the marbles in a form of a triangle (shown below)
Step 5 – Your handmade candle stand from marbles is ready. Keep a candle in it and let it spread the light in your home.
Don’t you find this activity very simple, quick and of course surprisingly beautiful? Trust me, try this. When you will see lights emitting from this handmade candle stand it will lift your mood and make you proud of yourself.
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These pictures were first published on author’s blog
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