Humans have shared a dynamic relationship with animals since ancient times. We share a mutually beneficial relationship with them. This in turn looks after the emotional and psychological needs of humans, animals, and the environment at large. Some become our friends and are our pets while others continue to be their wild self. These animals are usually endangered by the activities of humans.
The world has innumerable species of plants and animals. We should be aware of our diverse ecosystem. It is not possible to know everything, but learning something new is never harmful. Books have been a constant knowledge provider for us. But there remain some undiscovered facts.
Here, we compile a list of some interesting facts about some animals to enrich your knowledge. You can share and teach the same to your kids and provide them with some unheard facts about their favorite animals.
Types Of Animals
Animals are broadly categorised as follows:
- Domestic animals – Simply put, animals that can live and grow with us are called domestic or pet animals. Animals like cows, buffalo, goats, dogs, cats, etc are some of the domestic animals. They provide us with food and milk, protect us and provide emotional comfort. Some of them help on farms too.
- Wild animals: Animals that live in jungles are called wild animals. They cannot be tamed. But they are equally important for biodiversity and food cycle balance. LIon, tiger, bear are a few examples of wild animals.
- Sea animals: Animals that live in water are called sea animals. They are also called aquatic animals. Whales, sharks, fishes, octopuses, etc are a few examples.
Amazing facts about TIGERS
Tigers are wild animals. Their young ones are called cubs. Did you know that they belong to the cat family? There are several interesting facts about this beautiful animal. Some are listed below:
- Tigers belong to the cat family and are the biggest of their species.
- Tigers also hiss, growl, moan, and chuff.
- A group of tigers is known as an ‘ambush’ or ‘streak’
- Tigers usually hunt alone at night time.
- No two tigers have the same stripes.

- Domestic animals – Simply put, animals that can live and grow with us are called domestic or pet animals. Animals like cows, buffalo, goats, dogs, cats, etc are some of the domestic animals. They provide us with food and milk, protect us and provide emotional comfort. Some of them help on farms too.
- Wild animals: Animals that live in jungles are called wild animals. They cannot be tamed. But they are equally important for biodiversity and food cycle balance. LIon, tiger, bear are a few examples of wild animals.
- Sea animals: Animals that live in water are called sea animals. They are also called aquatic animals. Whales, sharks, fishes, octopuses, etc are a few examples.
Amazing facts about LIONS
Lions are wild animals that belong to the cat’s family and live in groups. They are very lazy animals and can sleep about twenty hours a day! Did you know that lions sleep with an eye open! Given below is a list of some amazing facts about this powerful beast:
- The heaviest lion ever weighed was at a mind-boggling 375 kilograms.
- Lions are known to rest for around 20 hours a day.
- Female lions are better hunters than males.
- Their tongues have sharp-pointed rasps, called papillae, which are used to scrape meat off the bones.
- The roar of a lion can be heard from 5 miles (8 kilometers) away.

Amazing facts about CHEETAHS
Cheetah is a wild animal. It can reach a speed of 100 km/h in just 3 secs! It is the fastest animal in the world. Did you know that a cheetah drinks water once in 3-4 days? More such interesting facts are enlisted below:
- Cheetahs are the only members of the cat family unable to roar.
- The cheetah is the fastest animal to roam the earth, with a top speed of 113 km per hour.
- Cheetahs are able to hunt only during the day.
- The dark lines that run from each eye towards the mouth of a cheetah are called the tear lines. These tear lines protect the cheetah from the sun and give it a long-distance vision that’s necessary during hunting or protection from other predators.
- Cheetahs purr like housecats.

Amazing facts about GIRAFFES
Giraffes are the tallest of all the animals. They are gentle creatures. Did you know that giraffes can grow about three times taller than an average human adult? Read on to find some more interesting facts about giraffes below:
- Just like human fingerprints, no two giraffes have the same pattern on their body.
- A giraffe’s tongue is coated with bristly hair, which helps them to eat leaves from thorny trees like Acacia.
- A giraffe has four compartment stomachs, which speeds up the digestion process.
- They spend most of their time eating, and can eat up to 45kg of leaves and twigs a day, but drink only once every few days.
- Baby giraffes can walk within 30 minutes of birth and run with their mothers in an hour’s time.

Amazing facts about ELEPHANTS
Elephants are the largest land animals. They are found in group mostly. They are the only animals that can’t jump. Did you know that they communicate through vibrations? Following is a list of some interesting facts about elephants:
- Elephants are the world’s largest mammals living on land.
- The huge, thin ears of an elephant are made of blood vessels that help them to regulate their body temperature.
- Elephants use their trunks to breathe when they swim in deep waters.
- The elephant’s trunk is entirely made up of about 100,000 muscles and no bones. A full-grown elephant’s trunk can weigh about 140 kilograms and measure up to 2 meters.
- They are scared of bees.

Amazing facts about BEARS
Bears are very intelligent animals. They have an excellent sense of smell, sight, and hearing. They feel intensely and can fight death to protect their family. They have excellent memory which helps them navigate their ways and search for food. Following are some unknown facts about them.
- Though bears are large animals, they can run very fast, reaching speeds of up to 35 miles per hour.
- Female brown bears give birth in their dens during the winter. They usually have two cubs at a time.
- The brown bear is Finland’s national animal.
- Polar bears and giant pandas are the only bears born with a thin layer of fur. All other bears are born hairless!
- They are born blind and naked.

Amazing facts about KANGAROOS
Kangaroos are the largest marsupials on the Earth. They move around in groups called mobs or troops. Did you know that they are mostly left-handed? Read on to find more such interesting facts:
- Newborn joeys are just one inch long (2.5 centimeters) at birth, or about the size of a grape.
- Kangaroos cannot move backward.
- A male kangaroo is known as a buck. The female kangaroo is the doe and the baby is called a joey.
- A group of kangaroos is known as a mob, troop, or court.
- A male kangaroo hasn’t got a pouch.

Amazing facts about PANDAS
Did you know that a Panda can poop about 28 kilos per day! That they have an extra bone just for eating! These cute black and white creatures are born in August. They have six toes to grasp the bamboo efficiently. Below are some more amazing facts about Pandas:
- While pandas will occasionally eat small animals and fish, they mostly eat bamboo.
- Pandas eat for about 12 hours a day!
- Baby pandas are born pink and blind. They measure about 15cm and only open their eyes six to eight weeks after birth.
- Pandas do not hibernate.
- Pandas are good at climbing trees and can also swim.

Amazing facts about MONKEYS
Monkeys are intelligent animals They mostly live in jungles. They eat seeds, flowers, eggs, fruits, leaves, nuts, and small insects. They have a friendly attitude towards human, but are very mischievous. Some amazing facts about them are as follows:
- A group of monkeys is referred to as a mission, tribe, or troop.
- A baby monkey is called an infant.
- Apes are not monkeys.
- Most monkeys have tails.
- Mandrills are the world’s largest monkeys.

Amazing facts about DOGS
Dogs are pet animals that are the most faithful to humans. They are man’s best companions. They protect us by guarding our homes. They have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. Some interesting facts about them are :
- Domesticated dogs are omnivores, as they can eat grains, vegetables, and meat as a part of their diet.
- A group of puppies is known as a “litterâ€.
- The dogs spin around before they poop to scare away snakes and other biting animals.
- Dogs’ noses are wet to absorb scent chemicals. This gives them an amazing sense of smell.
- The Great Dane is the tallest dog in the world and Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of dog in the world.

Amazing facts about CATS
Cats are a very common choice as pets. They are affectionate and practically need no training. They continuously groom themselves. They keep the house pest-free. Did you know that they spend more than half of their day sleeping? Following are some more interesting facts about cats:
- A large group of cats is called a clowder, and a group of kittens is called a kindle.
- A male cat is called a tom, while a female cat is referred to as a queen.
- Cats can’t taste anything sweet.
- No two cats have the same nose ridges.
- Cats sweat through their paws.

Amazing facts about CAMELS
Camels are social animals that are found in deserts. They are peaceful animals. Camels have a strong sense of hearing. They hold a special importance in the Arab culture. Did you know that there are 160 different words that mean camel? Following are some interesting facts about camels:
- Camels can drink 113 liters of water within 13 minutes and are the fastest mammals to re-hydrate.
- There are two types of camels i.e. Dromedary (single-humped) and Bactrian (two-humped).
- Camel milk has more Vitamin C and iron than cow’s milk and is widely available in Arab countries.
- Camels have three sets of eyelids and two rows of eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes.
- A camel’s hump does not hold water. It actually stores fat which is used as nourishment when food is scarce.

Also Read – 20 Amazing Camels Facts you never knew
Amazing facts about HORSES
Horses have been domesticated for over 5000 years. They share a special bond with humans. Did you know that a horse’s hooves are made from the same protein that comprises human hair and fingernails? More such interesting facts are listed below:
- Horses have around 205 bones in their skeleton.
- Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up.
- A horse’s hoof is always growing and needs to be clipped.
- A young male horse is called a colt and a young female horse is called a filly.
- Horses can run shortly after birth.

Amazing facts about COWS
Did you know that a cow must have a calf in order to produce milk? Cows are called heifer before they give birth. They are very caring mothers and can walk several miles to look for their calves. More such interesting facts are listed below:
- A cow has 32 teeth and will chew about 40-50 times a minute.
- In order for a cow to produce milk, it must first have a calf.
- All ‘cows’ are female. Only males are called bulls.
- Cows can sleep while they are standing up.
- An average cow has more than 40,000 jaw movements in a day.

Amazing facts about GOATS
Goats are domestic animals. They are highly intelligent creatures and are thus quick learners. They are very emotional and love to socialise. But did you know that they do not have any teeth on their upper jaw? They just have a strong dental pad instead! More such amazing facts are listed below:
- A female goat is known as a ‘nanny’ or a ‘doe’, and a male is known as ‘billy’ or a ‘buck’.
- Goats use the sneeze sound as an alarm. They use a sneeze to warn each other of danger, whether real or imagined.
- A goat giving birth is said to be “kidding”
- Goats are very intelligent creatures. They can be taught their name and to come when called.
- They have a four-chambered stomach.

Amazing facts about SHEEP
Sheep are the farm or pet animals. They are social and smart animals. The process of giving birth is called lambing. They share a deep bond with their lambs. Did you know that mother sheep recognize her lamb’s call from a distance?
- Sheep have very good memories. They can remember at least 50 individual sheep and humans for years.
- They have rectangular pupils.
- Sheep self-medicate themselves when they have some illnesses. They will eat specific plants when ill that can cure them.
- They have good smelling power. They have scent glands in front of their eyes and on their feet!
- Their wool will grow forever.

Amazing facts about SHARKS
Sharks are dangerous aquatic animals. They are boneless. Their skin is coarse like a sandpaper. The whale shark is the largest fish in the ocean. Did you know that July 14 is celebrated as the Shark Awareness Day? Read on to know more such amazing facts about sharks
- There is not a single bone in a shark’s body. Its skeleton is made up of cartilage that is tough and has flexible tissues.
- The smelling sense of a shark is so strong that it can detect even a single drop of blood in the water.
- Great whites can cut through the water at a speed of 30 km/ h and are the deadliest of all.
- A baby shark has to fend for itself right from birth, as its own mother could eat it up.
- Sharks have a tongue referred to as a basihyal- a small, thick piece of cartilage located on the floor of the mouth.

Also Read – 50 Fun And Interesting Shark Facts For Kids To Know
Amazing facts about WHALES
Whales are the largest creatures on the planet. They are usually found in small groups. They communicate with each other using super loud vocal sounds. These calls are the loudest in the world.But, did you know that they are not found in the Arctic Ocean?
- Scientists use a wax plug in the whale’s ear that has a pattern on it to determine its age.
- The “smiling†face of a whale is due to the lower arched lip it possesses.
- Even though the Blue Whale hunts in deep waters, it must come up to the surface of the water to breathe.
- A group of whales is called a pod. Usually, a pod consists of about two to thirty whales.
- Each whale has a unique tail. Whale tails have flukes or lobes. These lobes are unique for each whale.

Amazing facts about DOLPHINS
Dolphins are aquatic mammals. They are very friendly and fascinates human beings. They are very smart creatures and are great swimmers too. Did you know that the dolphins are close to their mothers? Given below is a list of some interesting facts about them:
- Male dolphins are called bulls, females as cows, and young dolphins are known as calves.
- Dolphins are meat-eating (carnivores) mammals.
- Dolphins have a blowhole located at the top of their heads which they use to breathe.
- Dolphins do not drink water like humans. Instead, dolphins get all the freshwater from the fish they eat.
- Dolphins have two stomachs. One is used for the storage of food and the other is used for digestion.

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